
Five months pretending to be a student in Madrid:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mucho gusto, baby

Yesterday, I walked into the room where Elvira has the clothes drying rack, and I see 10 little baby outfits drying. And there was a pair of brown corduroy overalls too...that's when I decided I could not wait any longer and I would have to meet this corduroy-wearing baby.

That was in the morning and I didn't think about baby Tomas the rest of the day. UNTIL, I came home from the pre-race fair (commentary: scroll down) and Elvira said the baby was just here and that I missed him(ahhhhhh again! this is the third close call) BUT he will be back to the house later tonight (yesssssssss). So, later that night, I finally met baby Tomas. He just turned one month a few days ago but he still looks like he's FOB -- fresh outta the belly. I didn't get to hold him, but I did pat his hair a little bit. And no, unfortunately he didnt have anything ridicuously cute on like I'd hoped- no overalls and no corduroy. He was wearing a onesie with a juicy-esque velour blue sweatsuit. I'm going to publicize this right now: if I ever have children he or she will NEVER wear velour sweatsuits. ever.

So- before all of this excitement, I went to the race fair for the half marathon THIS SUNDAY!!!! I love these fairs because I get:
  1. to see the t-shirt (this one is really really good-- probably the coolest souvenir I could bring home)
  2. to check out the compeition (they all look pretty standard)
  3. free samples (this fair was lacking in this area- we tried some nasty sportsdrink and got a "free" lecture on sock technology)
  4. extreme excitement for the race

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: thank you thank you thank you for everyone who contributed to the CD. It is a really cool collection that has been fun to listen to. (also a better than your average souvenir)

1 comment:

  1. How do you feel about paunchy uncles in blue velour sweats? I'm planning my Christmas outfit early this year.
