
Five months pretending to be a student in Madrid:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Por quién doblan las campanas

Milestone number 987324 complete. I finally finished the book I started on the plane over here- For Whom the Bell Tolls. It was so sad, but so good. Loved it because:

  • It takes place in Spain, and in case you forgot, Im here too. Somehow reading a novel set in the place youre traveling makes the book and the traveling that much better. I've read pleanty that are set in DC, but its another thing to live in Spain and read a book which refers to the iron gates that surround el parque del retiro. <--- I GO THERE

  • The obsession here with Hemingway adds to the authenticity. Every other old cafe boasts, "Ernest Hemingway once sat on this stool right here and drank out of this exact cup- he may or may not have used our bathroom too". His presence is overhyped, but sitting in a smoky cafe reading his book does feel pretty authentic.

  • I never read for pleasure while Im in school because I feel like I can never fully enjoy it. But lets be real, school has been limited to just attending class, so far. (I actually did get a legit assignment hopefully my luck isn't up.)

But, just in case it is- I didn't waste any time deciding on my next book. I brought about 4 other books with me that are sitting on my shelf, but as I was reading this last one, I decided Im not helping the Spanish immersion with the books in English (addionally all future blogging will be in Spanish), so I made my Spanish friend, Ana, take me to a used Spanish book store. We browsed the kids section for a "young adult" novel and selected 2 intended for ages 10 and up. Part of my book-selection criteria: a cover without cartoon animals, and font no bigger than size 20.

*A lot of people have asked about the baby. From what I hear, he's doing well- still haven't met him myself though!

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