
Five months pretending to be a student in Madrid:

Monday, March 1, 2010


You know how sometimes someone you know looks creepily similar to someone else? Well if Mr. Turkentine from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Facotry and my dad reproduced...

Meet Profesor Vara, my professor for business strategy:

I cannot focus in his class now because it creeps me out. And I find myself doing professor-celeb comparisons in all of my classes- although nothing Ive thought of is nearly as dead on as this is. Profesor Vara is a pure physical combination (especially if I had a picture of my dad 20 years ago) of these two, AND has the exact personality of Mr. Turkentine: he's energetic, blunt, expressive, and witty. Somehow I'm going to take a picture of my professor to prove it.

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